Marion process solutions

The Industry Standard for Mixing and Blending Equipment and Processing Solutions

For more than 80 years, Marion Process Solutions has led its field, and as a result of our clients’ continued patronage, we have the honor of servicing them. There is little question as to why our repeat business rate is over 90% when many of our clients are still reaping the benefits of their initial mixer after decades of regular use. In fact, a sizable percentage of Marion clients have more than 20 Marion mixers in use globally.

Industry leaders partner with the best-in-class solution providers who are authorities in their fields and never give up looking for ways to provide more value.

Alongside our customers, Marion is advancing the process industry as the leading solutions supplier, creating value that will change the way it does business.

While horizontal mixers and blenders are known to be manufactured by Marion, Marion Process Solutions doesn’t “only” manufacture mixers. We are the industry leaders in innovation and the gold standard for superior quality design, craftsmanship, and performance against which all other providers are judged. Our services include mixing, blending, drying, reduction, service, support, and entire process integration.

The Marion Way

Custom process systems with superior cost of ownership via performance are created, manufactured, and serviced by Marion Process Solutions. Our solutions reduce costs by being more productive, consuming less energy, processing information more quickly, delivering higher uptime, and requiring fewer man hours. These savings can subsequently be applied elsewhere in the quest for excellence by our clients.



Learn More About Marion Process Solutions